MDP were approached by the landowners of a Farm based in a village near Reading, Berkshire to assess their land for development potential. The Site Assessment noted that the barns were in the AONB and so were not eligible for Class Q, but we went on to research that there is a Local Plan policy relating to barn conversions and concluded that the barns could meet the criteria. The application sought full planning permission for the demolition of one barn and the proposed conversion of the existing barns to provide four dwellings, including one self-build unit.
The application included a full suite of documents including ecology surveys, soil percolation testing, topographical and highways reports in addition to high quality RIBA Architect elevations and floor plans. To assist 3rd parties such as the Parish and neighbours in drawing conclusions a set of CGI images were also undertaken from a drone survey. The outputs of this work are on this webpage and they successfully demonstrate that the scheme will blend into the site well causing minimal harm to the AONB. The proposed windfall development would assist with meeting the Council’s housing need within the area, or contributing to any headroom if the LPA has a positive land supply. The new homes would be in an accessible location, close to a modest range of existing local services and facilities. These include public transport facilities, with a bus stop located right outside the site. Working closely with Ecologists, Highways Consultants, Topographical Surveyors, Arboricultural Consultants, Structural Engineers, Drainage Technicians and a Design Team, MDP seek planning permission for this development. If you are looking to make the most of your farming assets and considering development, get in touch by using the contact form. CGIS designed by CGI Jai Architectural drawings created by B L Design Studio |