From the 12th of February 2024, the long-awaited Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements for planning became mandatory for larger developments in England (or 2nd of April 2024 for smaller developments) under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of The Environmental Act 2021). This represents a significant change to the planning system by requiring a 10% BNG to be achieved onsite or offsite.
The 2021 Environment Act makes biodiversity net gain a condition of planning permission, meaning all developers are required to demonstrate how they plan to deliver a 10% improvement to the biodiversity value of any application site. Developers are now legally required to submit a biodiversity gain plan after planning consent is given by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Once approved, the BNG condition will be discharged and any site that offers offsite BNG units must be entered on Natural England's Biodiversity Net Gain Site Register.
What is BNG and why is it important?
Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth including animals, plants, bacteria and fungi. BNG aims to create new habitat as well as enhance existing habitats and ensures development and/or land management has a measurably positive impact (net gain) on biodiversity to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state compared to how it was before.
The Biodiversity Net Gain or Loss is calculated using the difference between the pre development and post development habitat data, often presented as a percentage.
What is the Biodiversity Metric?
The Biodiversity Metric is a habitat based approach to determining a proxy biodiversity value developed by Natural England. This was designed to provide all interested parties, including Ecology and Planning with a means of assessing changes in biodiversity value (losses or gains) brought about by development or changes in land management. The mandatory BNG will require use of the latest version of the Biodiversity Metric.
How we can help you achieve a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
There are a few options when it comes to achieving BNG for your project. For more information on what we can do to help, complete our contact form and on of our Consultants will be in touch.
The 2021 Environment Act makes biodiversity net gain a condition of planning permission, meaning all developers are required to demonstrate how they plan to deliver a 10% improvement to the biodiversity value of any application site. Developers are now legally required to submit a biodiversity gain plan after planning consent is given by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Once approved, the BNG condition will be discharged and any site that offers offsite BNG units must be entered on Natural England's Biodiversity Net Gain Site Register.
What is BNG and why is it important?
Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species on Earth including animals, plants, bacteria and fungi. BNG aims to create new habitat as well as enhance existing habitats and ensures development and/or land management has a measurably positive impact (net gain) on biodiversity to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state compared to how it was before.
The Biodiversity Net Gain or Loss is calculated using the difference between the pre development and post development habitat data, often presented as a percentage.
What is the Biodiversity Metric?
The Biodiversity Metric is a habitat based approach to determining a proxy biodiversity value developed by Natural England. This was designed to provide all interested parties, including Ecology and Planning with a means of assessing changes in biodiversity value (losses or gains) brought about by development or changes in land management. The mandatory BNG will require use of the latest version of the Biodiversity Metric.
How we can help you achieve a 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
There are a few options when it comes to achieving BNG for your project. For more information on what we can do to help, complete our contact form and on of our Consultants will be in touch.