MDP was appointed to prepare and submit a planning application to erect a new three-bedroom family dwelling and associated infrastructure, in addition to demolishing outbuildings and other structures on the site. On the site, a chalet bungalow was located towards the rear of the generous-sized plot, leaving plenty of room for an additional dwelling and ample parking spaces. Removing a plethora of the outbuildings would enhance the character of the plot as a whole. The application was initially refused as being outside the settlement boundary and the development would be over dominant on the landscape. MDP did not agree with this view and so an appeal was lodged and a robust case was made to address both reasons for refusal. The Inspector sided with our client with permission being granted in March 2018. The site was later sold to a self-builder and is currently being developed. The new mid-sized dwelling will be an open market family house designed to blend in with the surroundings with the use of lower ever and ridge lines and the choice of natural materials. Additionally, the home was shown to be a social benefit offering a reasonably sustainable location where there is a housing shortfall. |