Mark Doodes Planning prepared and submitted an appeal against the refusal for panning permission by Dacorum Borough Council.
The site is located in Wigginton near Tring in Hertfordshire, on the edge of the Chiltern Hills AONB and within the London Metropolitain Greenbelt.
The proposal included the construction of an equestrian training area (manége). The application was originally refused due to the proposal's effects upon the openess of the Green Belt and the purposes of including land within it; the effect of the proposal on the beauty of the countryside, with particular regard to connectivity and visual effects; and the effect of the proposal on the historic environment, with particular regard to a local Scheduled Ancient Monument.
MDP persuaded the Inspector that the proposal would be acceptable in planning terms, accords well establshed case law and comprises built form that would not be inappropriate development within the Green Belt. There would be no harm to the historic environment and the proposal would be integrated with the countryside in terms of both connectivity and visual aesthetics, and consequently, that the scheme accords with the provisions of the 2023 National Planning Policy Framework and was sustainable development.
Planning Permission was subsequently granted by the Inspector and the original refusal was countermanded. Our client is delighted with the outcome and is looking forward to starting work this summer.