What is a CGI?
CGIs (Computer Generated Images) are increasingly in demand by both clients and Local Authorities. Local Authority Planning Officers can find CGIs helpful to draw conclusions around street scene impact and are much easier to interpret than a 2d drawing or street scene.
Clients find CGIs helpful when making design decisions early on in the project and landowners find these useful if we are bringing a site to market to show how a developer could build out of site. As technologies have advanced, the quality of CGI has improved dramatically and the price has reduced to make this more accessible to a wider audience aiding many planning applications by creating a visual proposal in its setting.
Do I need a CGI?
Generally used for full planning permission submissions, CGIs can assist where there are landscape or street scene concerns raised by Council officers such as landscape, heritage or planning teams. They greatly assist in determining how a building or development will sit in, interact with and relate to its immediate or distant environment. CGIs can also be prepared at different times of day e.g. to show how light spills into a valley or how new shadows may affect existing adjacent development.
How much does this cost?
These are now more affordable than ever before and photo-realistic quality images undoubtedly add value to a submission.
For a scheme of up to 4 dwellings, a typical CGI will cost £1000 - £1500 + VAT. In our experience, the best CGI work is undertaken from the baseline from a drone survey.
Our in house team can prepare these as part of a planning application or stand alone assignments.
For more information and advice on Computer Generator Images, please Contact us
CGIs (Computer Generated Images) are increasingly in demand by both clients and Local Authorities. Local Authority Planning Officers can find CGIs helpful to draw conclusions around street scene impact and are much easier to interpret than a 2d drawing or street scene.
Clients find CGIs helpful when making design decisions early on in the project and landowners find these useful if we are bringing a site to market to show how a developer could build out of site. As technologies have advanced, the quality of CGI has improved dramatically and the price has reduced to make this more accessible to a wider audience aiding many planning applications by creating a visual proposal in its setting.
Do I need a CGI?
Generally used for full planning permission submissions, CGIs can assist where there are landscape or street scene concerns raised by Council officers such as landscape, heritage or planning teams. They greatly assist in determining how a building or development will sit in, interact with and relate to its immediate or distant environment. CGIs can also be prepared at different times of day e.g. to show how light spills into a valley or how new shadows may affect existing adjacent development.
How much does this cost?
These are now more affordable than ever before and photo-realistic quality images undoubtedly add value to a submission.
For a scheme of up to 4 dwellings, a typical CGI will cost £1000 - £1500 + VAT. In our experience, the best CGI work is undertaken from the baseline from a drone survey.
Our in house team can prepare these as part of a planning application or stand alone assignments.
For more information and advice on Computer Generator Images, please Contact us