Erection of an Indoor Equestrian Arena in West Wellow, Hampshire
Mark Doodes Planning was appointed to prepare and submit a full planning application for the erection of an indoor equestrian arena on an existing equestrian facility in West Wellow, Hampshire.
It was of utmost importance that the new building was designed in a way to best suit the location and site. The final design was to create a building of around 30m x 60m in size that looked like an agricultural barn and therefore in-keeping with the rural surroundings.
The materials were given a great deal of consideration and several different options were considered at the design concept stage. For example, the use of large areas of glass or large areas of untreated metal were both considered to be inappropriate. The final design utilises wood and metal, which is commonplace in an agricultural setting. Horizontal wooden boarding are adopted on the sides and the roof is corrugated fibre cement.
The landscaping and surrounding area to the building was also carefully considered. The building itself is designed accommodate professional riders and their horses during all seasons. Additional planting and reinforcement of the existing features further disguise the building within the landscape.
The planning process was lengthy for this development due to the scale of interest from the authorities and stakeholders. Over 140 objections were received and the Team had to work closely with the client and Local Authority to carefully navigate these issues and ensure all parties were well informed along the way.
Despite the level of objection, the application was approved at planning committee and the arena is presently under construction. MDP continue to work with the Local Authority to discharge planning conditions whilst a 2nd planning application for an outdoor arena is being considered by the local authority.