In England, planning application fees are set by Central Government and from April 25 will be increased each year in line with inflation. The last review took place in 2023, with new fees being introduced on 6 December 2023.
These fees are passed to Local Planning Authorities to cover the costs of assessing and determining a planning application.
The planning application fees for the most common types of application are stated below. The level of fee will depend on factors including; what type of application you are making, the work that you intend to undertake and the size of the site. CIL fees may also apply if consent is granted. An additional charge of £64 (Inc VAT) applies to applications submitted through the National Planning Portal.
Householder Applications
Housholder Applications seek permission to make alterations or extensions to an existing house, including works within its boundary (eg the erection of a garden room, fence, greenhouse, shed etc).
In some cases a Full Application will need to be submitted instead, for example, erecting an outbuilding/annexe which you intend to use as a holiday et or other business such as a fitness studio, dog grooming business, workshop etc.
Outline Applications
Outline Applications seek permission to erect new houses or buildings (eg a warehouse, a manège, n indoor equestrian arena, a car park etc). The costs for Outline submissions are typically lower than for Full Applications as you do not need to provide full Architectural details; floor plans, elevations, layouts etc. Upon granting of Outline Permission, further applications will need to be made prior to commencing works such as a Reserved Matters Application or a Full Application.
The fee for Outline Applications depends on the area of the site and whether it is a house or other building being erected.
New house(s):
New Building(s):
Reserved Matters
Reserved Matters Applications follow on from achieving Outline Permission and seek approval for the matters reserved at the Outline stage.
Full Applications
Full Applications provide all the detail for the proposals, including detailed plans, upfront in a single submission. Full Applications seek permission to erect new houses or buildings (eg a warehouse, a manège, an indoor equestrian arena, a car park etc).
The fees below also cover the first submissions of Reserved Matters (access, layout, landscaping, scale and appearance) or Technical Details Consents (the second stage of a Permission in Principle covering all technical matters; access, drainage, parking, trees, ecology etc).
Alterations and extensions to an existing single dwelling for example erecting an outbuilding/annexe which you intend to use as a holiday etc or other business such as a fitness studio, dog grooming business, workshop etc.
New Houses/Flats (including subdivision of an existing building)
New Buildings (not houses/flats, agricultural buildings, glasshouses, or buildings for plant and machinery)
The application fee for New Buildings will depend on the Gross Floor Space to be created by the development.
New Buildings on Land used for Agriculture or Agricultural Purposes
New Glasshouses
Glasshouses tend to be used more in a commercial setting, to grow vegetables and plants for sale in nurseries etc
Non-Material Amendment (s96a) after a Grant of Planning Permission
The seeks permission for a relatively small scale alteration to an existing permission. For example swapping a window for a door on an elevation, using a highly similar materials due to the permitted materials being out of stock. Any change involving the floor space, ridge height, readily noticeable design changes will likely be classed as a "minor material amendment" (s73), the fees for which are the same as a Full Application.
Lawful Development Certificate (Certificates of Lawfulness)
These seek to establish, formally, whether Planning Permission was or is required. For example confirming that works commenced X years ago to keep a permission alive or to confirm an outbuilding is Permitted development.
Prior Approval (including Permitted Development rights) and Including Class Q Barn Conversions
Here you are effectively serving notice in advance of your intention to undertake works granted by permission by Parliament (Permitted Development). Examples below include fees for Class Q Barn Conversions, larger home extensions, vertical extensions (Class AA) on a house etc.
Removal, Variation, or Discharge of Conditions
Planning Permissions are often granted with a number of conditions, requesting additional detail. You can dispute the imposition of a condition by requesting its removal, or by requesting a variation to the wording of a condition. Or you can provide the detail requested in the condition (Discharge the condition).
Change of Use
Some changes of use do not require Planning Permission
Permission in Principle (PiP)
These seeks to establish if development could be acceptable, without the need to commission various plans and technical reports to support a proposal. However with so many details omitted there there is a risk of refusal at a later stage.
Application Types with no current fee
The following application types do not incur a fee:
Concessions and Exemptions
There are several types of planning application where no fee or a reduced fee applies. These are set out by Government, details of which can be found here.
The fees and detailed information are from and (updated in November 2023). MDP accept no responsibility for inaccurate or out of date data on this page.
Access the Planning Portal Fee Calculator
These fees are passed to Local Planning Authorities to cover the costs of assessing and determining a planning application.
The planning application fees for the most common types of application are stated below. The level of fee will depend on factors including; what type of application you are making, the work that you intend to undertake and the size of the site. CIL fees may also apply if consent is granted. An additional charge of £64 (Inc VAT) applies to applications submitted through the National Planning Portal.
Householder Applications
Housholder Applications seek permission to make alterations or extensions to an existing house, including works within its boundary (eg the erection of a garden room, fence, greenhouse, shed etc).
- The fee for a Householder Application is £258.
In some cases a Full Application will need to be submitted instead, for example, erecting an outbuilding/annexe which you intend to use as a holiday et or other business such as a fitness studio, dog grooming business, workshop etc.
Outline Applications
Outline Applications seek permission to erect new houses or buildings (eg a warehouse, a manège, n indoor equestrian arena, a car park etc). The costs for Outline submissions are typically lower than for Full Applications as you do not need to provide full Architectural details; floor plans, elevations, layouts etc. Upon granting of Outline Permission, further applications will need to be made prior to commencing works such as a Reserved Matters Application or a Full Application.
The fee for Outline Applications depends on the area of the site and whether it is a house or other building being erected.
New house(s):
- If the site area is less than 0.5 hectares the fee is £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof).
- If the site area is between 0.5 and 2.5 hectares the fee is £624 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof).
- If the site is more than 2.5 hectares the fee is £15,433 plus a further £186 for each additional 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 2.5 metres, with a maximin fee of £202,500.
New Building(s):
- If the site area is less than 1 hectares the fee is £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof).
- If the site area is between 1 and 2.5 hectares the fee is £624 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof).
- If the site is more than 2.5 hectares the fee is £15,433 plus a further £186 for each additional 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 2.5 metres, with a maximin fee of £202,500.
Reserved Matters
Reserved Matters Applications follow on from achieving Outline Permission and seek approval for the matters reserved at the Outline stage.
- Where an application for approval of Reserved Matters, following Outline Approval, is made, the Full Application fee is due
- If the Full fee is already paid, the fee is £578.
Full Applications
Full Applications provide all the detail for the proposals, including detailed plans, upfront in a single submission. Full Applications seek permission to erect new houses or buildings (eg a warehouse, a manège, an indoor equestrian arena, a car park etc).
The fees below also cover the first submissions of Reserved Matters (access, layout, landscaping, scale and appearance) or Technical Details Consents (the second stage of a Permission in Principle covering all technical matters; access, drainage, parking, trees, ecology etc).
Alterations and extensions to an existing single dwelling for example erecting an outbuilding/annexe which you intend to use as a holiday etc or other business such as a fitness studio, dog grooming business, workshop etc.
- If a planning application is being made affecting a single house the fee is £258.
- If an application is for alterations/extensions to two or more houses the fee is £624 per house.
New Houses/Flats (including subdivision of an existing building)
- The planning application fee to build fewer than 10 houses is £578 per house.
- The application fee to build between 10 and 50 houses is £624 per house.
- The application fee to build more than 50 houses is made up of a flat fee of £30,860 plus an additional fee of £186 per house in excess of 50, with a maximum fee of £405,000
New Buildings (not houses/flats, agricultural buildings, glasshouses, or buildings for plant and machinery)
The application fee for New Buildings will depend on the Gross Floor Space to be created by the development.
- If there is no increase in gross floor space to be created or no more than 40 square metres to be created by the development, the application fee is £293.
- When the gross floor space to be created by the development is more than 40 square meters, but no more than 1,000 square meters, the fee is £578 for each 75 square meters (or part thereof).
- If the gross floor space created will be over 1,000 square metres but not over 3,750 square metres, the fee is £624 for each 75 square metres (or part thereof).
- When the gross floor space created exceeds 3,750 square metres, the fee is £30,680 plus £186 for every additional 75 square meters (or part thereof) in excess of 3,750 square metres, with a maximum amount of £405,000
New Buildings on Land used for Agriculture or Agricultural Purposes
- When the gross floor space to be created by the development is not more than 465 square metres, the application fee is £120.
- When the gross floor space to be created by the development is more than 465 square meters, but no more than 540 square meters, the fee is £578.
- If the gross floor space created will be over 540 square metres but not over 1,000 square metres, the fee is £578 for the first 540 square metres plus £578 for each additional 75 square metres in excess of 540 square metres.
- If the gross floor space created will be over 1,000 square metres but not over 4,215 square metres, the fee is £624 for the first 1,000 square metres plus £624 for each additional 75 square metres in excess of 1000 square metres.
- When the gross floor space created exceeds 4,215 square metres, the fee is £30,680 plus £186 for every additional 75 square meters (or part thereof) in excess of 4,215 square metres, with a maximum amount of £405,000
New Glasshouses
Glasshouses tend to be used more in a commercial setting, to grow vegetables and plants for sale in nurseries etc
- When the gross floor space to be created by the development is not more than 465 square metres, the application fee is £120.
- When the gross floor space to be created by the development is more than 465 square meters, but no more than 1,000 square meters, the fee is £3,225..
- If the gross floor space created will be over 1000 square metres, the fee is £3,483
Non-Material Amendment (s96a) after a Grant of Planning Permission
The seeks permission for a relatively small scale alteration to an existing permission. For example swapping a window for a door on an elevation, using a highly similar materials due to the permitted materials being out of stock. Any change involving the floor space, ridge height, readily noticeable design changes will likely be classed as a "minor material amendment" (s73), the fees for which are the same as a Full Application.
- Householder applications are £43
- All other applications are £293.
Lawful Development Certificate (Certificates of Lawfulness)
These seek to establish, formally, whether Planning Permission was or is required. For example confirming that works commenced X years ago to keep a permission alive or to confirm an outbuilding is Permitted development.
- For existing use or works, the fees are the same as fees for Full Applications.
- For regularising where a condition has not been complied with (for a period of over ten years), the fee is £293.
- For any proposed use, half the normal fee applies.
Prior Approval (including Permitted Development rights) and Including Class Q Barn Conversions
Here you are effectively serving notice in advance of your intention to undertake works granted by permission by Parliament (Permitted Development). Examples below include fees for Class Q Barn Conversions, larger home extensions, vertical extensions (Class AA) on a house etc.
- Large home extension (less the 8 metres deep) - £120
- Additional storeys on a home - £120
- Demolition of buildings - £120
- Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from Commercial/Business/Service (Use Class E) to a house(s) is (Use Class C3) £125 for each house
- Change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from an Agricultural Building to house (Use Class C3) - £120; or £258 if it includes building operations in connection with the change of use. This is also known as a Class Q Application
Removal, Variation, or Discharge of Conditions
Planning Permissions are often granted with a number of conditions, requesting additional detail. You can dispute the imposition of a condition by requesting its removal, or by requesting a variation to the wording of a condition. Or you can provide the detail requested in the condition (Discharge the condition).
- To request to remove or vary a condition, following grant of planning permission, the fee is £293.
- When seeking a request for confirmation that one or more planning conditions have been complied with (Discharge of Conditions), the application fee is £43 per request (could include multiple conditions) for householder projects, and £145 otherwise, per request.
Change of Use
Some changes of use do not require Planning Permission
- When changing the use of a building to use as one or more separate houses/flats, the fees are the same as for a Full Application.
- For all other changes of use (that are not through the Prior Approval route) the fee is £578
- When relating to the business on the premises, fees are £165.
- For signs, which are not situated on, or visible from, the site and directs the public to a business, the fee is £165.
- For all other advertisements, the fee is £578.
Permission in Principle (PiP)
These seeks to establish if development could be acceptable, without the need to commission various plans and technical reports to support a proposal. However with so many details omitted there there is a risk of refusal at a later stage.
- This type of application is £503 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area (or part thereof).
Application Types with no current fee
The following application types do not incur a fee:
- Listed Building Consent
- Planning permission for relevant demolition in a Conservation Area
- Works to Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area
- Hedgerow removal notice
Concessions and Exemptions
There are several types of planning application where no fee or a reduced fee applies. These are set out by Government, details of which can be found here.
The fees and detailed information are from and (updated in November 2023). MDP accept no responsibility for inaccurate or out of date data on this page.
Access the Planning Portal Fee Calculator