A planning application for 17 new houses in Stanton St Quintin has recently been submitted by Wiltshire based planning consultancy Mark Doodes Planning. Stanton St Quintin is a sustainable location for modest housing growth near Chippenham with an active local community, primary school with nursery, and a hotel. There have been regular developments around the historic village core, with significant house building projects in the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s and 2000s. Mark Doodes MRTPI said: “This is a good quality project which proposes to bring forward much needed new housing, ultimately designed to ensure the long-term viability of existing services and facilities. The submitted design also aims to retain as much of the existing trees and hedgerows as possible, as well as opening up currently private land to village residents to enjoy a new open space and play facilities. We are looking forward to working with local residents and statutory bodies over the next few months during the consultation period.” Notes:
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